From real detective magazine dated 1937.a
story called Blood on Harlan.wrote by James W. Booth,special
investgator for Real Detective.................

The attack on Arnett was the opening shot of the 1937 terrorist drive against union organizers in Harlan, a vicious drive which saw innocent, nineteen-year-old Bennett Musick shot down in cold blood, and was climaxed with the willful killing of Lloyd Clouse, in Verda, Kentucky, after the senate hearings got under way.forty-two State militiamen were needed to rescue stocky William Turnblazer and ten other union organizers when they were besieged in their rooms in the Louellen Hotel, Harlan, by Ben Unthank and a mob of deputies.No sooner Had the Union men arrived and registered than the deputies set down upon them. With udder disregard for the other guests of the hotel, they set off firecrackers in the corriders, hoping the Unionists would think they were pistol shots. They didn't, and they turned to actual shooting. They pounded on the doors of the rooms housing the organizers. They fired blasphemy through the transoms.It was bedlam.Reports that a riot was taking place reached the Mayor and the county prosecutor.They hurried to the hotel to urge the oranizers to leave town for peace's sake.But they gave up the idea and hurried away when they saw the grim- faced deputies and their menacing guns.It was only after Turnblazer had communicated with Governor Chandler by long distance telephone and militiamen had been dispatched to the scene that the organizers were able to leave Harlan without some of them being killed.All along the line efforts to unionize meant running the risk of death.The automobiles of two organizers were dynamited.Several carloads of union men were fired upon, the fusilage of shots wounding some, but fortunately killing none. Blackjackings and beatings were common.Women were used as decoys. One woman, Mrs.Martha Howard, testified before the senate committee that she was offerd $100 for each time she lured an organizer for an automobile ride.I'11 attend to him then," John Hickey,the deputy ,told her. she turned it down.Despite the obstacles faced, the drive won converts.But every time a miner allied himself with the union it meant the loss of his job if the fact was discovered a beating or death! Lindsey Baker was one of those who joined. a few days later Deputy Leonard Hobbs beat him into unconsciousness with a blackjack.
       I had bent my head down to light a cigarette," he told senator LaFollette's committie,when Leonard Hobbs hit me with a blackjack and knocked me out. When i came to, he was still beating me and three or four deputy sheriffs just looked on without doing anything."
        Lloyd and Jasper Clouse were brothers, on the afternoon of april the 24,1937, the two brothers
left the latter's home and walked through Verda, a company-owned mining camp, in search of Clyde Dosher, a friend.Before they started out they had been discussing the Union drive for membership. They stopped at a saloon to see if Dosher was there. A half dozen deputies were in the rear of the place, But neither brother spoke to them. They merely looked around not finding Dosher,went out again. The deputies,Bill Lewis,Melvin Moore,Logan Middleton,Maynard Hobbs and two others,followed them. Then as they started down the street Lewis shouted at them to stop.I want to search you two; he bellowed. Lloyd Clouse carried a pistol, because, as his brother testified later in Washington, District of Columbia it was customary to do so in Harlan."At Lewis command,the two men stopped and turned around. AS they did so, the company deputies opened fire upon them and started running toward them, Lloyd Clouse had no time to draw his pistol and defend himself. A bullet struck him.He fell to the ground.Jasper Clouse closed in and grabbed Middlton trying to keep him from shooting him.A company deputy came up behind him and struck him over the head with a gun butt.everything went black he slumped to his knees and fell over.When he came to his brother was dead beside him.He left a widow and ten children. The next day,Jasper Clouse took his brothers family to Bell county for fear that he would be killed if they remained in Verda, Murders-Kidnapings-Dynamitings-Beatings-Intimidation.That was Bloody Harlan..................................

This artical came from a Real Detective Magazine dated 1937 owned by Roy Green
Roy said "well that was the article hope you can use
it my grand mother went to washinton to testifie in the senate
committiee.her name was minnie clouse,there was a picture of her in the magazine.will try to
send it. also a picture of my grandfather Lloyd Clouse. you may use this or the

sincerly yours Roy L. Green